This eco-friendly school in Coorg will also teach students to preserve the environment – all for free

Morning Glory, a school located in Coorg, Karnataka, will soon teach underprivileged students about waste segregation, conservation of natural resources using natural educational aids.

Education is an important tool for survival in today’s world. So is knowing how to preserve the environment and ensuring that future generations don’t bear the brunt of our poor living choices. And combining education and eco-friendly initiatives is Morning Glory, a school in Coorg, Karnataka.

The school, which has been set up exclusively for the children of plantation workers, tribal communities, and the underprivileged in the Siddapura district, will not charge any fees either.

Morning Glory, a school in Coorg, Karnataka.
Morning Glory, a school in Coorg, Karnataka.

Managed by Bangalore-based educational foundation Building Blocks and funded by the Orange County Resorts & Hotels Ltd (now also known as Evolve Back), Morning Glory teaches its students about various eco-friendly moves. Speaking to Edex Live about the school, Evolve Back Executive Director Jose Ramapuram said,

“Morning Glory is an initiative to create a clean, healthy, and environment-friendly atmosphere for young underprivileged children to learn. We want children to grow with an understanding of environmental sustainability and the need to preserve mother nature. This all-inclusive free school is our way of giving back to the community that has been a backbone to our growth and success.”

Here, the children will be trained according to their age on various environmental practices and the importance of conserving the environment. For instance, children would be taught the 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse) through stories, songs, visual arts, and activities.

Further, to make students capable of taking care of plants, the school has a garden where the kids will be taught how to care for and respect vegetation.

Children will also be taught about waste segregation practices, and the conservation of natural resources, and will learn with natural educational aids like leaves, pebbles, rocks, sticks, and pressed flowers.

Speaking to Deccan Herald, Institution Manager Anish Kanti said,’

“Usage of plastic has been reduced to the maximum extent possible. Along with the school structure, the equipment within the school such as the chairs and tables too are designed to reflect the vintage concept. This is done to create a homely atmosphere for the children.”

An English-medium school, Morning Glory will also provide books, bags and other things necessary for the children, including two free meals per day. As many as 40 children have already enrolled in the school for this academic year.

(Edited by Evelyn Ratnakumar)

source: / Your Story / Home> Social Story / by Think Change India , edited by Evelyn Ratnakumar / July 16th, 2019

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