Steeped in culture and packed with wonder: Our guide to witnessing Kodagu’s grace and hospitality

Set in the heart of Kodagu (now Coorg), The Tamara Coorg crafts a scenic getaway for the discerning traveller. Surrounded by nature’s bounty and soaked in tales of history, the property gives its guests a peek into the culture and the livelihood of the people in the region.

When it comes to an experiential holiday in the hills, Coorg is the first destination that comes to mind. Previously known as ‘Kodagu’, this hill station has bragging rights to misty mountains, sprawling coffee plantations, quaint monasteries, pepper vines, and a host of other scenic delights for the discerning traveller. 

The etymology of the words “Kodava” (referring to the indigenous people, language, and culture) and “Kodagu” (referring to the land) traces back to the root word ‘Koda’ of uncertain meaning. Some speculate it signifies ‘hills’ while others suggest it signifies ‘west.’ In 1956, Kodagu (now Coorg) was established as a district and became a part of the Karnataka state.

The Land of Coffee

Kodagu thrives as the land of coffee, with the Robusta variety being its primary plantation crop. Notably, Kodagu alone contributes around 33% of India’s coffee production. The region is also renowned for its exquisite wild honey. Nestled within a 184-acre coffee estate, the Tamara Coorg resort stands as a testament to preserving the surrounding ecosystem, untouched by extensive development, making it a truly unique creation in this coffee-rich land.

The flora and fauna of Kodagu

Blessed with three wildlife sanctuaries—Brahmagiri, Talakaveri, and Pushpagiri—and the Nagarhole National Park (also known as the Rajiv Gandhi National Park), located within the Kodagu district, the region boasts an unparalleled wealth of flora and fauna, showcasing its remarkable biodiversity.

Kodava people

The Kodava people, also known as Kodavas, are the inhabitants of this land. They speak the Kodava language and traditionally identify as land-owning agriculturists, following a patrilineal social order deeply rooted in martial customs. Kodavas hold their ancestors and weaponry in high reverence, and uniquely, they are the only community in India permitted to carry firearms without a licence. Kodagu has also produced several notable hockey players.

Kodava festivities

Kodava festivities revolve around their agricultural practices and military traditions. The community celebrates three main festivals that are distinctive to their culture—Kail Podh, Kaveri Changrandi (Tula Sankramana), and Puthari. In recent times, under the rule of the Haleri Rajas, Kodavas have also embraced a few Hindu festivals, including Ugadi, Ayudha Puja, Dussehra, and Mahashivaratri.

Kodava trails at The Tamara Coorg

Embark on our immersive Kodava Cultural Tour and be transported to a bygone era steeped in tradition. Journey to a nearby village, where a guide will accompany you to an Ainmane, a quintessential ancestral home of the Kodava people.

Walk through the halls of the Ainmane, as it unveils its architectural marvels and treasured artefacts. Delve into the essence of Kodava heritage as you learn about their unique way of life.

Indulge in a tantalising Kodava meal that showcases the region’s authentic flavours and local ingredients. Carry with you cherished memories of the warmth and hospitality as you bid adieu to the Kodava people.

In and around Kodagu

Scouting for activities to partake in when in Kodagu? Here’s a list of destinations that are a stone’s throw from the city and are worth a visit:

  • Abbey Falls | Distance: 44 km
  • Talakaveri And Bhagamandala | Distance: 40 km
  • Bylakuppe | Distance: 76 km
  • Nalknad Palace | Distance: 7.5 km
  • Padi Igguthappa Temple | Distance: 9.2 km
  • Chelavara Falls | Distance: 13 km
  • Omkareshwara Temple | Distance: 38 km
  • Raja’s Seat and Nehru Mantap | Distance: 38 km
  • Madikeri Fort And Palace | Distance: 37 km

For more information about planning a Kodagu itinerary and booking a stay at the plush property of The Tamara Coorg, click here

source: / Conde Naste Traveller / Home> India> Hotels & Resorts / Published by The Tamara Coorg / August 04th, 2023

Keilpodh: A Kodava festival of arms in Karnataka

The Ummathat dance

COME September and the Kodavas look forward to Keilpodh, or the festival of arms, a celebration peculiar to Kodagu. The festivities and fun mark the completion of the transplantation of crops and salutes the hard work behind it.

The Kodavas have always maintained an intimate relationship with their weapons. They have evolved their own unique lifestyle where customs and habits emphasize strong family ties and a sense of tradition. They are the only tribes that can own a gun without a licence. A gun plays an important role in the life of a Kodava. After the birth of a child, a single shot is fired into the air to share the news with their neighbours; at the time of death two shots are fired. During weddings they use a large Kodava knife to cut the banana stalk with a single strike. There was mostly forest land where they lived and hunting used to be their favourite pastime. This festival reflects both their martial and agrarian character.

On Keilpodh, guns, knives, swords, bows and arrows and hunting implements are cleaned, polished, smeared with sandalwood paste and kept in the special puja room. They decorate the weapons with flowers, pray and make offerings to the Kodava deities, the river deity, Kaveriamma, the chief preceptor, Mahaguru Iguthappa, and the supreme ancestor, Guru Karana, and seek the well-being of their crops and strength to protect them from wild animals. Hanging prayer lamps, called thookbolcha in the Kodava language, are lit and thokke poor flowers (Gloriosa superba) are placed on the nozzles of guns.

After lunch the male family members, dressed in their traditional kupiyas, gather in the puja room where the Yajmana or the principal male picks up a gun and offers it to the eldest man in the group, signifying the commencement of the festival. The men pay obeisance to the Yajmana, pick up their guns and proceed outside to partake in the contest. Coconuts are tied to the top of the highest tree in the compound and everyone takes turns at showing their prowess with guns, by attempting to split the coconut open with one shot. In days of yore, at the break of dawn on Keilpodh, the Kodavas would set out with loaded rifles to hunt wild boar. 

Arms and the ceremonial dress

The Kodava men don the ceremonial attire which is one of the most distinctive in India. The men make a magnificent picture in their traditional kupiya chales. The kupiya is a long, half-sleeved cotton robe which reaches below the knee, worn with a long-sleeved white shirt underneath and secured around the waist with an elaborate maroon and gold sash known as chale. The peechekathi, a silver dagger inlaid with gold and silver with an ornate handle and sheathed in an ornamental scabbard, is tucked into the sash and fastened to the back by a delicate silver chain. 


Food and alcohol are an essential part of the festivities. It is the time for the Kodavas to feast after undergoing the hard labour of ploughing, sowing and transplanting of rice. Lunch is a veritable banquet. The Kodavas being non-vegetarian, preparations of pork, chicken and mutton predominate while homemade wine flows.

Kodagu is also famed for its ethnic cuisine, made from locally abundant ingredients such as coconut, mushrooms, bamboo shoot, banana and rice and seasoned with ginger, chilli, pepper, cardamom and the native kachumpuli (the distinctly-flavoured thick, local vinegar). The legendary pandi (pork) curry and kadambuttu (steamed rice dumplings) combo is a hot favourite. Many dishes reflect a combination of meat and wine. Rice is an integral part of the menu and rice noodles topped with a pungent curry is a very popular dish.

Vegetarians can try the local mushroom curry, redolent with the flavour of freshly picked wild mushrooms. There’s also a curry made with tender bamboo shoots that’s simply divine on its own or eaten with the local akki roti (rice rotis). We relished the other dishes like paaputt plain cake, and nooputt (string hoppers) noodles along with meat dishes like pandi curry, koli (chicken) and yerachi (meat) curries and also desserts like akki payasa (rice pudding).

In the evening, we witnessed the Ummathat dance which is the only female dance form of Kodagu. It was a treat to watch the graceful Kodava women in their colourful saris dance in a circling pattern to a lilting tune. The Coorg sari is worn with the pleats secured at the back like a fan and the end of the sari drawn under the left arm and fastened over the right with a pretty brooch or pin. The married women are identified by their vastra, a trailing georgette scarf covering their heads and tied at the nape of the neck, with the two ends draped elegantly over the shoulders.

Equally impressive was the bolak-aat which is performed by Kodava men to the resonant beat of drums.  Earlier, the festivities involved gathering in the local mandh (open ground) where physical contests, and sports including marksmanship, and various folk dances were conducted. Currently, most of these gatherings and contests are held in the Kodava Samajam in various places.

source: / Civil Society / Home> Travel / by Susheela Nair / September 29th, 2023

CNC Urges Revenue Dept. To Make Changes In Software To Implement Order


The Codava National Council (CNC) that has relentlessly fought for over 14 years for the inclusion of ‘Kodava/ Kodavaru’ in the Caste Certificate, instead of ‘Kodagaru,’ has urged the State Government to make the  relevant changes in the software to fully implement the Government decision.

CNC President Nandineravanda U. Nachappa said that though the Cabinet has accepted the recommendations from the Karnataka State Backward Commission and ordered the change from ‘Kodava’ and ‘Kodavaru’ instead of ‘Kodagaru’, the order has not been fed to the computer systems. Still, the Caste Certificates are being issued as ‘Kodagaru’ instead of ‘Kodava’, impacting the cultural and social values of the Kodava community.

In a memorandum submitted to Kodagu Deputy Commissioner yesterday, Nachappa urged the State Government to ask the Revenue Department to make changes in the software for the change to be physically reflected on the Caste Certificates.

Mentioning the legal battle fought by the CNC in the Karnataka High Court, Nachappa said that despite the Court order in December 2021, the Government has not taken the genuine demand of the Kodava community for consideration and implementation. “This is an administrative and Constitutional breach where the aspirations of a small community have been ignored,” he said.

Nachappa has urged the Government to clear the software hurdle to fully implement the order so that the mention of ‘Kodava’ in Caste Certificates becomes a reality.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / December 07th, 2023

Hollywood Stars Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones In Madikeri


High-profile Hollywood stars Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, accompanied by their son Dylan, are on a tour of India following Michael’s honorary recognition at the International Film Festival (IFFA) in Goa where he received the prestigious Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award.

Currently, the family is exploring the enchanting region of Kodagu as part of their private tour. Post-IFFA in Goa, the family visited Tamil Nadu, where they visited the historic city of Thanjavur and the awe-inspiring Brihadishvara Temple — a magnificent Chola period temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, renowned for its exquisite architecture.

Documenting their spiritual journey, the seasoned actor shared moments on social media, featuring the family offering prayers at the Temple adorned with garlands. Michael Douglas captioned the images, stating, “sightseeing with the best.”

Continuing their Indian sojourn, the family made a stopover at Kabini, enjoying a day at a secluded resort, before reaching Madikeri on Dec. 5. Choosing the serene Taj Madikeri Resort & Spa in Galibeedu village as their place of stay, the family explored the Mercara Downs Golf Club, engaging in a round of golf. Sources disclosed that Michael Douglas insisted on keeping their visit private.

Having visited India thrice before, mainly exploring the northern regions, Michael Douglas expressed a desire to delve into the southern part of the country this time. The family entrusted their travel plans to a New Delhi-based travel firm, utilising a chartered chopper for transportation. Impressed by the expansive 102-acre Golf Club, Michael Douglas and his family praised it as an ideal retreat for unwinding and spending quality family time. Their stay in Madikeri, Kodagu, is expected to continue for two to three days and details about their future travel plans remain confidential.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / December 07th, 2023

Ashwini-Tanisha climb four spots to world no. 28

The duo earlier won the Nates International Challenge and Abu Dhabi Masters Super 100. Ashwini, 36, and her 20-year-old partner Tanisha, who started playing together only in January this year, finished runners-up at the Syed Modi International Super 300 tournament in Lucknow on Sunday.

Ashwini-Tanisha climb four spots to world no. 28
India’s women’s doubles pair of Tanisha Crasto and Ashwini Ponnappa (Pic: File Pic)

Indian women’s doubles pair, Ashwini Ponnappa and Tanisha Crasto, jumped four places to reach world number 28 in the latest BWF rankings.

Ashwini, 36, and her 20-year-old partner Tanisha, who started playing together only in January this year, finished runners-up at the Syed Modi International Super 300 tournament in Lucknow on Sunday.

The duo earlier won the Nates International Challenge and Abu Dhabi Masters Super 100.

Priyanshu Rajawat, who had reached the semi-finals in men’s singles, also gained a place to break into the top-30.

All other Indian singles players stayed static with HS Prannoy (8) remaining the top ranked shuttler from the country, followed by PV SIndhu (12), Lakshya Sen (17) and Kidambi Srikanth (24).

Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty occupied the world number 2 spot, while Treesa Jolly and Gayatri Gopichand stayed at 19th position.

source: / Mid-Day / Home> Sports News> Other Sports News> Article / by PTI / December 05th, 2023

MLA A.S. Ponnanna Inaugurates Annual Get-Together Of Sri Kaveri Kodava Association


The annual get-together of Sri Kaveri Kodava Association, Mysuru East, was held at its premises in Vidyashankara Nagar in Mysuru yesterday.

Virajpet MLA Ajjikuttira S. Ponnanna, who was the chief guest, inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp.

Association President Puliyanda S. Devaiah presided. Kodava Samaja Mysuru President Ponjanda A. Ganapathy was the special invitee.

On the occasion, MLA Ponnanna felicitated Senior Members of the Association for their services to the causes of community, institutions, education and in general — Kuppanda M. Achaiah, Manipanda A. Muthanna and Star of Mysore and Mysuru Mithra Founder-Editor Kalyatanda B. Ganapathy, who received Hon. Doctorate from University of Mysore recently.

Sri Kaveri Kodava Association, Mysuru East,  runs an educational institution — The Kodagu Model School — from LKG to X Standard at Vidyashankara Nagar here.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / December 04th, 2023

‘ANVESHANE-2’ Project Expo Contest At CIT On Dec. 15


A unique project exhibition titled, ANVESHANE-2, aimed at inculcating scientific and research bent of mind among students leading to new perspectives, will be held at the Coorg Institute of Technology (CIT) here on Dec. 15.

The competitions would be held in three different groups. Students from SSLC, PUC and Diploma Engineering are eligible to participate in the event.

SSLC students can come up with projects relating to Science and Environmental Science and the winners of first three places will take home a cash prize of Rs. 8,000, Rs. 6,000 and Rs. 4,000 respectively.

Subjects for PU students for coming up with the projects relate to the streams of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. There are two cash awards in each of the category with the winner eligible to get Rs. 10,000 and the runner-up getting Rs. 6,000.

In the Diploma Engineering category, projects are related to the fields of Computer Science & Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics & Communication Engineering. Cash award would be given in each of the categories. Winner will get Rs. 10,000 while runner-up will take home a sum of Rs. 6,000. A maximum of three teams are eligible to take part in the competitions with a maximum of four students in a team.

Students interested should register names before Dec. 5 in the google form issued to Colleges for registrations.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / December 03rd, 2023

Get-Together Of Sri Kaveri Kodava Assn. Tomorrow

The annual get-together of Sri Kaveri Kodava Association, Mysuru East, will be held at its premises at No. 4, Kaveri Road, Vidyashankaranagar, Mysuru, tomorrow (Dec. 3) at 10 am.

 Association President Puliyanda S. Devaiah will preside. Virajpet MLA Ajjikuttira S. Ponnanna will be the chief guest. Kodava Samaja Mysuru President Ponjanda

A. Ganapathy will be the special invitee.

Association Senior Members Kuppanda M. Achaiah and Maniyapanda A. Muthanna will be felicitated on the occasion.

Also, Star of Mysore and Mysuru Mithra Founder-Editor K.B. Ganapathy, who received Hon. Doctorate from University of Mysore recently, will be honoured as a special achiever.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> In Briefs / December 02nd, 2023

Suhem Kabeer from Madikeri shines in Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2023 in Indonesia

The weekend turned out to be an exciting and rewarding one for JK Tyre Motorsport driver Suhem Kabeer from Coorg, Karnataka supported by Vamcy Merla Sports Foundation, who was participating at the final round of Asia Pacific Rally Championship (APRC) 2023 in Indonesia.

He managed to keep the Indian flag flying high with his determined and focused drive at the Danau Toba Rally with multiple podium finishes.

The APRC was running concurrently with the Danau Toba Rally of the Indonesia National Rally Championship (INRC). The JK Tyre Motorsport team of drivers were vying for top spot in the overall APRC in the NVA (National Vehicles Approval) class and in the M2 class of the INRC.

Driving a 4-wheel drive car in the rally for the first time with a limited testing time of 6 kms, three Indian drivers finished the APRC finale held in Indonesia within top 8, the rally was held along with the Indonesian Rally Championship.

A total of 12 stages amounted to about 150kms of special stage from a total of 433kms. The Danau Toba Rally was spread across 12 all-gravel roads from conditions varying from wide open plantation sections to twisty winding mountainous sections.

The stages were challenging, technical and fast, while due to rain the surface was repeatedly changing the coarse, thus forcing all the participants to drive cautiously. Thus, a huge amount of dropouts of about 28 were on second day. Indian drivers showed much maturity to adapt to the surface condition and reach to the finish.

In the NVA category, Suhem Kabeer (driver) along with PVS Murthy (co-driver) was the winner followed by Lokesh Gowda and Ashwin Naik in second position while the pair of Jahaan Singh Gill and Suraj Keshav Prasad finished in the third position.

In M2 class which was part of the Indonesia Rally Championship, Suhem and Murthy finished second as Lokesh and Ashwin were in third. The celebration just did not end with the drivers ruling the podium as team JK Tyre Motorsport was awarded the best team performance award.

Among all the India participants, Suhem Kabeer along with PVS Murthy finished fourth, Lokesh Gowda along with Ashwin Naik finished in fifth position. Sanjay Takale and Musa Sherif finished sixth, Jahaan Singh Gill and Suraj Prasad finished in eighth position in APRC overall.

Suhem Kabeer along with PVS Murthy on day one was 17th fastest in SSS. They began their day two very cautiously since the track was bit slippery. In the second stage of the day, they spun once and lost some time and managed to reach the remote service with no reverse gear. But fixing this issue in remote service was impossible as it was meant only for tyre change and refuelling. Thus with no option left for further two stages, they had to manage. But it became much worse before the last stage before service they had to take on the stage with only 3rd gear working, which was later fixed in service. They began the final day with about 8 min difference with the leader and hence catching them up was out of question and they also had good lead on their follower in third position and hence decided to just nurse back the car to the finish in fourth position.

“It was one of the most difficult rallies that I have been part of. It was an uncharted territory for us with little knowledge of the terrain. The slush made the stages very slippery and I had to dig deep into my reservoir to finish the event unscathed,” Suhem said.

source: / / Home> Karnataka / by Media Release / November 30th, 2023

Airstrip, Mini Airport In Kodagu: Re-Survey Identifies 130-Acre Land; Report To Government Soon


In a significant move aimed at bolstering connectivity and infrastructure, the Kodagu District Administration has conducted a comprehensive land survey for the establishment of a mini airport or airstrip near Kushalnagar.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Venkat Raja is set to submit a detailed report to the State Government soon, marking a crucial step in the realisation of this long-anticipated project.

The survey team reviewed various factors crucial to the successful implementation of the initiative, first announced in 2018.

Previous surveys identified a 49.5-acre plot adjacent to Sainik School, Kushalnagar (Koodige) at Doddathoor village, stretching to the border of Basavanathoor village, for the purpose.

The Karnataka State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (KSIIDC) is the Nodal Agency to develop airstrips across Karnataka. The initial plan for the 49.5-acre plot involved a 950-metre airstrip, complete with basic facilities like the airstrip, terminal, security post and fencing. However, during inspection, the Airports Authority of India (AAI) deemed the plot inadequate, prompting the District Administration to order a re-survey.

The recent survey identified more than 130 acres of land, under the jurisdiction of the Revenue Department at Dodda Aluvara village near Koodige, addressing the need for additional space.

DC Venkat Raja confirmed that the survey report will be submitted to the State Government soon and upon approval, the land will be handed over to the KSIIDC.

The successful completion of the mini airport terminal is expected to make a significant contribution to the region’s economic and infrastructural growth. The establishment promises improved connectivity and enhanced transportation options, fostering local development and attracting further investments.

The Government Order issued in 2018 outlines the development of airstrips in various locations, including Kushalnagar, Chikkamagalur, Karwar, Raichur, Gadag, Bagalkot, Davanagere, and Udupi.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / November 18th, 2023